
Be a part of the community that’s helping to save open space, care for nature, and connect people to the outdoors.

For most people discretionary time is a precious possession, parceled out with care.  So it is telling that volunteers give so much of their time to conserving open space through land trusts.  Volunteers see the need for and organize land trusts, serve on boards and committees, and raise money; they donate legal and accounting services, restore pond banks, lead nature walks, monitor easement-protected property, write newsletters and much more.  Their precious time is truly making the world a better place.

Equally important are the financial contributions from supporters like you.  These donations support volunteer efforts, allow us to educate communities and help us preserve open space.  Without your financial support, land trusts cannot achieve their goals and protect the open spaces that are so precious to us and future generations.

Please consider helping preserve Sussex County’s special places by becoming one of our Preservation Partners today. Contact us to learn how.